Sound Test

As required in the Charlton Planning Board Decision

We conducted a Mock Race

to measure the sound levels in nearby locations

A few select riders who
signed up to participate at
the Grand Opening were invited
to ride in the mock race.

Every bike passed the
50′ Pass-by Test

Sound engineers measured the dBA of each
bike at full throttle from 50 feet away.

Let the race begin!

30 minutes of non-stop racing

N Sullivan Rd.

Sydney Circle

Ladd Rd.

Thanks to all our riders
for getting muddy on
behalf of 508INTL.

“Based on these measurements, and this mock test,
the sound levels measured and/or not measured because you couldn’t even hear anything…
there was no point where motorcycle noise
dominated the environment.”

—Brion Koning, Sound Engineer, CTA, during the onsite de-briefing